Associate Members
DDS-MAP project is looking for organizations to join the consortium as associate member to extend the reach of the project. If you are interested in collaborating please fill out this interest form or contact acting project lead Dr. Marina Green MD, PhD, at
Associate Members
- Polish Association of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (PTPAiIO).
- Association of ICU Nurses. [Poland] [Proposed]
- Nursing and Physicians Chambers.[Poland] [Proposed]
- Regional Chamber of Physicians. [Poland] [Proposed]
- 1. SIDMI (Società Italiana per la Direzione e il Management delle Professioni Infermieristiche – Italian Society for the Direction and Management of Nursing Professions).
- CNAI (Consociazione Nazionale Associazioni Infermiere/i – National Association of Nurses Associations, Italy).
- INMO – Ireland [Proposed]
- Pharmacists Society of Latvia [Proposed]
- Professional association of Latvian outpatient service physician assistants. [Proposed]
is an Associate Member?
An Associate member is formally recognised as a non-contractual part of the Dynamic Digital Skills for Medical and Allied Professions in Health Services (DDS-MAP) project. Associate members are not entitled to funding and are not required to adhere to the project’s contractual obligations.
- The Associate membership is designed to be light and flexible without complicated application or exit procedure.
- The Associate members commit to support the goals and objectives of the DDS-MAP project within their area of expertise and responsibility.
- The Associate members commit to promote the outcomes of the DDS-MAP solutions within their organisation and to provide feedback to the project to ensure that these solutions are optimised for their area of expertise.
- The Associate member communications are provided with regular updates on the work of DDS-MAP to identify opportunities to collaborate and participate in DDS-MAP activities and events from an early stage.
To know more details, please read the Terms of reference. Associated-membership_ToR