On 7th and 8th of September DDS-MAP was officially presented at the first Central European Nursing Conference in Martin, Slovakia. Dr. hab. Beata Dobrowolska, Associate professor and Head of the Chair of Integrated Nursing Care, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin talked about the micro credentials in European context and overall aim of the project. The abstract of a submitted paper titled ‘Micro-credentials as a new form of Nurses’ professional development’ highlighted the strong recommendation of European Commission to adopt as recognition of learning. During the presentation, Dr. Beasta highlighted that there is still great variety in defining what micro-credentials is and what is not.
Scholars and professionals argue the number of credits assigned to it or the profile of institutions which should establish such form of qualification. The introduction of micro-credentials approach as a method of professional development. The abstract of the paper is freely available to the conference attendees. Consortium partner Medical University of Lublin is planning to conduct more dissemination events in the topic.